
Kinetogram: Zapadeado
'Labanotation' is a form of movement notation developed by Rudolf Laban. It is primarily used for the archival notation of ballet but can in principle be used to notate any form of movement. It uses a special, vertical stave with between four and twenty-five columns, depending on the complexity of detail being recorded. On this stave are placed symbols representing the movements of the centre of gravity and support together with leg, arm, head etc. gestures. Multiple staves can be used in the notation for several dancers and separate floor-plans are used to show the general movement and relative orientations of individuals or groups. The prime reference is "Labanotation: the System of Analysing and Recording Movement" by Ann Hutchinson (pub: Dance Books) and the principal organisation is 'The Dance Notation Bureau' in New York.

Last updated: 23rd June 2019